It is not necessary, that studying will always be boring and
upsetting. It can be fun too! For the matter of fact, there are ways in which
you can find a bit of excitement, while studying. Let’s simplify your study schedule.
Technically speaking, not all, methods work for every person
round the globe. But giving a shot with different trial and errors, one might
just find the perfect way to work out. If nothing else makes a difference, you
can always get way to get you grades up at least.
Well, we agree to the point that nothing else apart from
hard work would give you the best result. Even though its sounds stereotype,
still it works the best. But here we come with few of the study hacks that
might help you when you are not in a mood to study!
Chewing gum
Chewing gum, basically acts as a brain booster. And just
because, it really doesn’t have or show any side effects, you might just pop in
your favorite, while you sit down to study. It has been scientifically proven
that chewing a gum while studying has increased the concentration level of
So, the next time you sit for studying, slip in some of the gums in your
The focus control
This might sound though, but trust us, it is the most
important point that you should consider. Keep yourself aloof from all the
distracting elements you find around yourself. Like your cell phone, or may be
your laptop. For a while forget that you even own one!
Ready to be gadget free, for a while?
Let the notes
Even though you have not touched them in sometimes now, it’s high time that
you start flipping off your note book. Try, marking the important points and
read it thoroughly. Start mind mapping the notes, and not just look at it. Get
clear off the concepts, and try making out your answers out of it.
Start flipping!
Start organizing your study materials, categorically. This actually comes in handy when you sit for
studying. You exactly where is what, so when you need it you just don’t waste
time behind it, and utilize the time frame justifiably!
Music therapy
Music can be a great way to have a proper concentration. Obviously to your
parents it might sound a bit weird, but science has proved it, so you have an
excuse to pop in your earphones while you sit down for studying.
Can you think of anything that we missed? Or do you follow
any other hacks to have a better study??
Let us know. Comment with your views below.
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